Conduct A Meaningful Work Program Experiment
25-100 Agents
1 Week Implementation
25-50% Decrease in Agent Turnover
10-25% Increase in Customer Satisfaction
Summary of
The Great Contact Center Challenge - 5:09
Free Recorded Workshop
for Contact Center Leaders
The Great Contact Center Challenge is to create an organization where people love their job which dramatically improves agent retention, performance, and customer satisfaction. Because change is difficult, a proof of concept will allow contact center leaders to understand how the Meaningful Work Program works and empower them with data to convince executives and their team to expand the program themselves through a train-the-trainer model.
The Crisis in Contact Center Management
The Crisis in Contact Center Management
The customer experience is at a 17-year low, agent turnover remains high at 7-8% a month, and quiet quitting is at 59%. This crisis is severely impacting company profitability, leading to “The Great Termination” of leaders.
There is a Crisis in Contact Center Outsourcing
Contact center outsourcers are experiencing even higher agent turnover and worse performance than internal centers. Outsourcers are losing clients at an abnormally high rate, putting them in financial distress. Also, AI is a concern for investors because of the fear it will dramatically reduce the need for outsourcing. Within the next five years, 50% of large to medium-sized contact center outsourcer brands could disappear because of consolidation.
Meaningful Work is a Win-Win-Win for Contact Center Leaders
Meaningful work occurs when a person’s work makes a difference in someone’s life. The most important part of the employee experience is how they feel about their job, not compensation or the company they work for. If they find their work meaningful, it significantly reduces turnover (25-50%), increases engagement, and improves performance (10-25%). Meaningful work for leaders and managers comes from making a difference in their team members’ lives, thereby making meaningful work infectious.
Grind Destroys Meaningful Work
Agents experience “grind” when management is out of alignment with the customer, and the agent is caught between them. Grind destroys meaningful work, and poor management is its leading cause. When employees feel management is preventing them from authentically serving the customers, the agent will disengage during interactions because engaging is too painful.

We Discovered the Solution to Turnover, Engagement, and Performance Problems
Customer Satisfaction
Cost to Serve
5th Talent is the only company that helps you achieve a meaningful work environment where your people find the work they do is worthwhile.
When companies use our methodology, they enable employees to find meaning in in their work. The result is lower turnover and higher customer satisfaction.
Meaningful Work is What Matters

Meaning From Work
Having a job is meaningful as a result of a predictable and steady paycheck.
Pay, Incentives,
Benefits, etc.
Impact on
Engagement, &

Meaning at Work
(The Company)
Work provides a safe, friendly place that serves as emotional support.
Fun Activities, Social Events, Volunteering, Amenities, CSR, Company Mission, etc.
Impact on
Engagement, &

Meaningful Work
(The Job)
Realization of moments with distinct purpose that arise from the act of serving others
Ability to Help People, Low Stress and Anxiety, Supportive Management, etc.
Impact on
Engagement, &

People Want Meaningful Work
Meaningful work has never been more important than it is today, especially for Generation Z. Studies show that 70% of today’s employees want more meaning in their work.*

*Roffey Park Institute

Serving People is Meaningful
The defining characteristic of meaningfulness is that a person’s work makes a difference in someone’s life.
Grind Destroys Meaningful Work
Promoting meaningful work is not enough, because there are opposing forces that we call “grind” which is destroying the meaning your people find in their job. Grind is the leading cause of frustration, stress, and anxiety arising from the work they do.

Grind [grīnd] \ noun:
Wear and tear caused by pressure to give what customers want, while being restrained in the ability to do so

Why Do People Quit?
People tend to leave their jobs when the level of frustration, stress, and anxiety arising from their work outweighs the level of personal meaningfulness they receive from it. Our studies show that together meaningful work and grind can predict over 65% of a person’s intent to quit.

The 5 Talents are the foundation that enables your people to experience more meaningful moments in their work.
The 5 Talents Increase
Meaning and Engagement

The 5th Talent is the Most Important

Being Myself

5thTalent Aligns What Everyone Wants

Companies Want
Loyal Customers
When employees are highly engaged, customer retention rates are 18% higher and earnings per share are 147% higher than their competition.
Employees Want
70% of employees want more meaning at work.
Customers Want
Engaging Employees
8 of the top 10 things customers want relate to engaging employees, but only 1 out of 3 customers are getting what they want.
Roffey Park Institute
Rage Survey – CCMC
The 5th Talent Methodology
1. Analyze
Meaningful Work Assessment
Employees & Frontline Managers
Meaningful Work Survey
Assess levels of meaningful work and grind and the extent they are influencing behavior to stay and be a high performer.
Get a snapshot of what employee experience states your employees are currently in.
Provide a baseline of the employee work experience enabling you to track the impact of implementing a program.
Meaningful Work Dashboard

Employee Experience Map
2. Improve
Harness the joy of authentically serving others
Utilize 5 key talents to increase meaningful moments
Develop leaders to foster a meaningful work environment
Senior Leadership
Meaningful Work
Visioning Workshop

Managers & Support Staff
Developing Others

Serving Others
Understand the employees' first 90-day experience
Design a low-stress and high meaningful work environment where employees feel welcomed, ready, and energized
Senior Leadership
Developing an Onboarding
Experience Workshop

Managers & Support Staff
Guiding Others

Understanding the Consumer

Become more like a life coach
Develop employees to be self-learning and self-correcting
Facilitate more collaboration with their teams and extend your desired culture remotely
Senior Leadership
Work at Home Leadership Workshop
Managers & Support Staff
Leading Remote Teams
Excelling Remotely

3. Protect
Meaningful Work Champions
Select and develop a group of champions in your organization who can support and validate the implementation of the meaningful work program.
Establish a reiterative process that assures grind stays low and the meaningful work environment stays intact.
Regular Meaningful Work Surveys
Routinely monitor your employee experience to understand if your activities are improving and protecting your improved culture.
Help identify new threats to your meaningful work environment.
Continue to identify opportunities for improvement.
Employee Experience Monitoring

Working in the service industry is difficult, tiring, emotionally draining. But that's not what employees say who work in companies that implement the 5th Talent method.

The most important thing we have noticed is that the Facebook sentiment of our employees is changing for the positive.

I have been through a lot of courses for management, but this course is the first one that addresses what I need as a human in charge of other humans.

Thanks for messing with my head. Once you see GRIND, you can't un-see it! I am seeing it everywhere now, and I want to fix all of it.